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  • Writer's pictureAngela Mizner

Rounding out

For the final week of our March accountability I wanted to share some different workouts to inspire, motivate, and push us through.

We've learned all about nutrition and the importance of overall wellness. It's time to build stronger bodies!

When I think of my personal GOAL body I think of Carrie Underwood. She's said time and time again that her goal doesn't revolve around a certain weight or size but health and strength which totally aligns with me. You can't deny that she had the BEST legs on the planet. I found this article that features her routine! I hope you find it inspriring.

Superset 1

Complete 3 rounds of each exercise.

Heel-Elevated Dumbbell Squats

A. Stand with feet about shoulders-width distance apart. Place heels on an elevated surface, such as a weight plate, with toes remaining on the ground.

B. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, resting the dumbbells in front of shoulders in a neutral grip.

C. Drive hips back and bend knees until legs form a 90-degree angle or lower. Keep chest up and shoulders back.

D. Drive through heels and stand back up to starting position.

Do 12 to 15 reps, rest 30 seconds.

Dumbbell Cross-Over Step-Up

A. Start standing parallel to a box or bench and hold a dumbbell in each hand.

B. Keeping the chest up and core tight, lift one foot and cross it in front of the other leg to step on the bench.Make sure the knee is directly over the ankle and in line with toes, and keep the inside leg as close to the bench as possible.

C. Transfer all weight to the foot on the bench, drive through the heel, and step up and onto the bench with the other leg to stand. Keep hips square.

D. With control, reverse the motion, and return to start position. Repeat with the other leg.

Do 10 reps on each side, rest 10 seconds.


A. Stand with feet hip-width apart and extend one leg long to the side.

B. Bend the knee of standing leg and sink hips back to touch the floor.

C. Keeping chest up and shoulders back, jump and switch legs in the air.

D. Land with opposite foot under body and the other leg extended to the side. Touch the floor with opposite hand.

Do 12 reps on each leg, rest one minute.

Superset 2

Complete 3 rounds of each exercise.

Dumbbell Deficit Sumo Deadlifts

A. Place two weight plates or Bosu ballson the floor wider than shoulders-width apart.

B. Stand with one foot on each side of the weight plates or Bosu ballswith toes turned out slightly. Keep chest up, shoulders back, and knees bent slightly but in a fixed position.

C. Hold one dumbbell in both hands down in front of hips. Bend knees, hinge at the waist, and slide hips back, lowering the dumbbell toward the floor. Keep back straight and core tight.

D. Drive through heels to stand, using hamstrings and glutes. Squeeze glutes at the top, but maintain a neutral spine. Do not over arch or push pelvis too far forward.

Do 12 to 15 reps, rest 30 seconds.

Bosu Dome-Up Bodyweight Single-Leg Deadlifts

A. Stand on top of a Bosu ball with the dome side facing up. Keep core tight and maintain tall posture.

B. Transfer all weight to one leg and hinge at hips.

C. Balancing on one leg with lower torso parallel to the floor, keep arms straight down. Extend the other leg straight behind body with toes pointing to the floor.

D. Drive through the heel of standing leg, raise torso up, and return to start.

Do 10 reps on each leg, rest 10 seconds.

Bosu Up and Overs

A. Stand on top of a Bosu ball with the dome side facing up. Step one foot off to the side, so one foot is on the floor, and the other remains in the center of the Bosu ball.

B. Drive through the foot that is on the Bosu ball and jump up and over, so the opposite foot is on the Bosu ball and the other is on the floor.

C. Immediately jump up and over again, and return to starting position.

Do 12 reps on each leg, rest one minute.

Superset 3

Complete 3 rounds of each exercise.

Single-Leg Dumbbell Box Squats to Forward Lunge Combo

A. Start standing in front of a bench. Bend one leg and lift opposite foot off the floor. Hold one dumbbell in front of chest.

B. Maintain good posture and slowly lower to sit on the bench.

C. Drive through the foot on the floor and stand up on that leg.

D. Take a big step forward with the elevated leg, keeping hips square. Drop down into a lunge by bending both knees 90 degrees. Keep back heel elevated.

E. Drive through the front foot and then lift it off the ground, returning to a single leg standing position.

Do 8 to 10 reps on each leg, rest 30 seconds.

Log Hops

A. Place both hands on the end of a bench with both legs together and extended behind. Keep arms straight but don't lock elbows.

B. Bend knees, engage core, and jump both feet up and over the bench to one side.

C. Immediately jump feet to the other side without a double bounce.

Do 12 reps on each side, rest one minute.

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